The Gerichtslaube throughout History
The Gerichtslaube was erected around 1270 in brick Gothic architecture and was subject to repeated modifications in the centuries that followed. Built in the Middle Ages and primarily serving as a court where often unspeakably gruesome justice was handed down, over the centuries the Gerichtslaube was used for a variety of purposes until finally in the 20th century, it became the cozy restaurant it is today.

Around 1270

Around 1400
Punishment was extremely severe and cruel. For the pettiest of misdemeanours ears would be lopped off, teeth broken out or the eyes would be burned with glowing irons. Women were burned for procuration.

Around 1500

Around 1870

Die Gerichtslaube today
Legal practice changed in the course of time, and so did the shape and function of the Gerichtslaube, though its architectural identity was largely preserved. All in all the Gerichtslaube was reconstructed three times and relocated twice. It is fair to claim today that the Gerichtslaube is one of the earliest surviving structures of Berlin.